Can be fun, can be challenging. All have been great to work with to date.
Great models, who I hope I've managed do justice of .
Location Nudes
As the title really. The subject matter is what I would call Artistic Nude. But because of the nudity this does require a password that can be obtained at no cost by contacting me. Over 18 only.
Black & White Nudes
Taken on location, in the studio & at home. Again very artistic I think. But because of the nudity this does require a password that can be obtained at no cost by contacting me. Over 18 only.
Fashion & Swimwear
Has fast become my favourite subject matter in this area of photography.
Not many images of this catogory at the moment, but hope to change that soon.
Studio & Home Shoots
Home & studio images fron many shoots. Does contain Art-Nude images. But because of the nudity this does require a password that can be obtained at no cost by contacting me. Over 18 only.